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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

You are #beyondcompare

"Comparison is the death of joy". 

Mark Twain certainly knew what he was talking about when he made that statement. Who can say that comparing themselves to other people, to media stereotypes, to the 'perfect you' that you've created in your mind has brought anything positive?

Comparing ourselves to others brings up one of three things - none of which are healthy for us. It might be jealousy - we don't feel we measure up to the person or ideal we are comparing ourselves to so we are envious of those that do. It might be a sense of worthlessness - that we aren't good enough because we haven't reached the bar we set for ourselves. It might be judgment and pride - we are looking at others and seeing ourselves as better than them.  There is no real joy in any of these places.

This isn't the life that I want to live. Either disappointed in myself - believing that I haven't made the grade - I'm not rich enough, clever enough, thin enough, pretty enough, the list goes on; or putting myself on a pedestal, looking down and saying that I am better than those around me. 

This doesn't feel like the life God would have for us. So where is real joy and contentment? 

It's found when we understand who we are in God's eyes - that we are loved completely and unconditionally by the creator of the universe. He knows us inside and out, light and dark, and he still gave up his son to die for us (Romans 5:8). He delights in us and rejoices over us (Zephaniah 3:17), we are his treasured possession (Malachi 3:17). Contentment comes when our identity is in God and who he believes us to be - not from the media, other people or even ourselves.

When we see ourselves through God's eyes we are beyond comparison. We are made in his image. We wouldn't compare God to the images in a fashion magazine so we shouldn't do it to ourselves. 

MAM is launching the #beyondcompare campaign this summer because we want everyone to know that they are loved by God, exactly as they are. Each of us is #beyondcompare.

Keep an eye on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@mamministries) for how you can get involved!

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