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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Some thoughts on thoughts... Part 1

Words can make you smile, laugh, cry, and scream. Words have changed lives and will continue to do so forever. Words can build up and tear down relationships. Words have power.  

So what about the words in our minds: our thoughts. They have a lot of power too. Words come from our thoughts which come from our hearts. Our thoughts affect our whole lives. How are your thoughts affecting your life? Are you your biggest fan or your biggest critic? What are the things that go through your mind on a daily basis about yourself? How positive are the thoughts you have about yourself?

Here’s a crazy truth for you: not all of your thoughts are true.

If you were to think “I am the president of the United States,” doesn’t mean it is true. Just the same, thinking that you are unworthy of being loved does not mean that you actually are unworthy of love. For most of us the negative self-talk continually creeping through our brains is a lie. Sometimes lies come into our thoughts and take hold until we eventually forget reality. These messages can take root for so long. They can affect our self-esteem and the way we live our lives. It may be the words of others spoken over us, messages from the society around us, or even ourselves.

One example is a sentence that was said to me in a past relationship. “I wish you were taller and tanner and had bigger boobs.” One, that is not a nice thing to say to anyone ever. Two, these are all qualities about me that I cannot change. This translated into my brain as “I’m not good enough or attractive enough, and I never will be.” I know this is a crazy jump but I don’t think I’m the only one who has made those leaps. I embraced it as truth and it affected the way that I saw myself. It was a throw away sentence on their behalf but it shook my confidence in the relationship and other areas of my life. With this “I’m not good enough” idea floating through my head, it was easy to see the things that validated that thought and to disregard all the good things about myself.

So how do we change the patterns of negative thinking? I have been learning to sift through my thoughts and really evaluate where they are all coming from. One of the most freeing things I have done is to break off the lies that have taken hold and replace them with the truth about who I am. When I think about where some of these ideas in my head have come from, it seems crazy that I ever let them come into my brain at all. There are a lot of really awesome things about me! There are also a lot of really great people that love and support me. These are the things I want to focus on instead of the things that have been said by the people who have hurt me.

My hope for you is that you can distinguish truth from the lies. If there are any lies that you have turned into truth, I hope you will dig deep and cut them out. It might hurt a little to talk about them and deal with them but you will be able to move forward. Replace the lies and see the truth.  

Here are some positive true words about you to help replace any lies you have been believing. Write them on your mirror, put them on sticky notes around your house, and build others up with them because the world needs some more encouragement. 

You are enough.
You are loved.
You are valuable.
You have a story to tell.
Your life matters.
You are beyond compare.

Now go out and live your life with these running through your brain and I bet some things will start to change for the better.

Brigid is a Texas girl living in Nashville, TN. She is a volunteer for MAM who loves laughing, Instagram, nachos and adventures.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tales from the Road... Unity Festival

This trip was the biggest event of our festival season which meant a whole bunch of stuff to cram into our minivan - there were only three of us driving up and we nearly had to leave someone behind!

Unity happens in Muskegon, MI, on the shore of Lake Michigan - yes, it's a hard life for the MAM team! This year over 60,000 people attended to hear some great music and get stuck into the various activities run by the huge team of Unity volunteers.

As for MAM, we had a lot going on! We took our regular booth with all our information, t-shirts and Banded headbands. We ran two photo booths continuing our #beyondcompare campaign asking people to share with us what makes them unique.

Then, on top of that and most excitingly for us, we ran our first girls lounge - a space for girls and young women to come and hang out, talk about their issues, get prayed for and get involved with some of our craft activities.

On the Friday and Saturday we had the opportunity to share our documentary, Through My Heart's Eyes, and to share something of what MAM is all about. These sessions are always a highlight as it led to great conversations with individuals who were able to share their own stories with MAM team. 

Then it was time to go home - so we said a big thank you to Ashley, Michael, Jimmy, Shane and the Take Hold team who helped us make everything happen and packed up the van again for the drive back to Nashville. George, Corinne and Jimmy did a superb job of packing Jimmy's van - don't worry it was only going round the corner!!

The journey home was fairly uneventful - so we made a list of things we like for you....

Cold War Kids
Toast and Marmite
Soft t-shirts
Crisp clean air
Boys with black hair and lip rings
Candles that smell of the coast
Being in water
Fuzzy blankets
2014 corvettes
Chicken and salad in all forms (especially with avocado and without mayo)
Pandora and pickled okra
Praying with strangers
Batman and all villains in batman
Reading positive psychology books
Horror movies
Craft nights
Corinne's driving commentary
Food samples at Costco and Publix
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship
Bikes with baskets
Metal (the material and the music)
All things fall
Not having let it go in my head
Stargazing and cloud gazing on a trampoline
The ocean and surfing
Meet Virginia by Train

Through My Heart's Eyes

This documentary chronicles the lives, struggles and choices of two girls, one in Nashville TN and one in London, England. They openly and honestly share the difficulties they have faced and how they are seeking to overcome those things. This is a frank and moving look at issues that girls are facing today - click the image below and take the time to watch.

Through My Heart's Eyes from Morning After Ministries on Vimeo.