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We think of the United States as one of the most developed nations in the world and yet in this country as many as 1 in 3 girls will be sexually abused during their adolescence and only 30% of those cases will be reported. 2 million people will self harm in the USA this year - the majority girls. Over 50% of teenage girls use unhealthy weight control methods including skipping meals, laxatives, fasting, binge eating and vomiting. Each year 1 in 20 adolescents will seriously consider suicide.

This is a depressing picture of the land of freedom and opportunity. And is the reason why organisations like Morning After Ministries (MAM) need to exist to offer the help that these young people aren't accessing elsewhere.

Everyone is unique. Everyone is loved. Everyone has value. But not everyone believes that. This can lead to bad decisions being made, unhealthy habits being adopted and self worth being destroyed. This is the reality for many girls and young women today.

MAM exists to provide education and awareness about value based struggles; to meet girls and young women where they are at; to provide a safe space for them to share their story; and to help them get the help they need to live a full and purposeful life. MAM exists to be the hands and feet of Jesus the "morning after" a girl makes her biggest mistake and provides a safe space to begin to talk about issues like the ones mentioned above and many more.

We tackle issues such as eating disorders, self harm, sexual health, substance abuse, body image and many more. We want to help people understand the issues that girls and young women are facing today and to equip them to reach out and get them the support they need.

MAM approaches these issues through outreach, education and community - working in both preventative and reactionary measures. We run schools work programmes, run and attend a whole variety of events aimed at young people, provide educational resources, offer mentoring, signposting and prayer, and they work alongside parents, teachers, churches and youth groups.

If you want to find out more or get involved please take a look at our website: