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Monday, July 7, 2014

First Rate Version of Yourself - Beyond Compare

by: Jess Eveland

One of the hardest question I have ever had to answer was "Who am I?". In college (way back in the 90's) in Faith and Culture my professor pressed us to answer this question and at 19, I was not able to do it. When I tried to write my paper, it came back with a big red "X" through it and a note, "Your paper tells me facts but not your heart". WHAT?!

Looking back I now can see what my wise professor was trying to get me to do, but I was not able to see myself beyond my facts: Age, Birth Place, Major. I was working so hard to hide myself, my heart was so full of comparison, I reduced myself to just the facts. I was too scared of my truth and really busy trying my best to be someone else.

Sadly, my life did not fit the picture of a happy, upper-middle class, white girl at a Christian college. My life felt dark. Rejection, divorce, my young sister died of cancer, attempted suicide. I resolved that I would leave that all at home and live like everyone else. My resolution only lead to more hurt, pain, and depression. I left college so unsure of myself and NO idea who I was. I was so busy trying to be everyone else, I lost myself.

All the messy, the hurt and pain, are the pieces that came together to make a unique individual. And yes, it hurts, but it is so much better. When you let go of comparison and live a unique life, true to who you were created to be, you will be free! Part of that freedom is working through the tough issues in your life. Only when you are able to be honest are you able to move forward.

God made you a unique and special creation. You are not a second rate copy of anyone or anything. You were not a mistake.
Psalm 139:14I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Live Brave! Be True! Lay down comparison and be true to yourself. If you need help or you need to talk to someone please visit MAM's website or go HERE to chat with Hopeline.

Jess Eveland is a volunteer with MAM and lives in the Nashville area. You can find Jess online at Rock Paper Feather.

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