I watched the Avengers movie last week, and I loved it. I loved it partly because I love jam-packed action adventure stories, but mainly because I love the journey all superheroes go on: a journey from being ordinary people to becoming extraordinary superheroes. They go on a journey of transformation where they realize the fullness of all they were created to be; despite all the hopeless circumstances they find themselves in and have to battle against.

I've spent the last few days in a Native Indian reservation called Fort Yates in North Dakota. A place where 79% of the population are unemployed. Where 5 young people have hanged themselves in the last 6 months from within one community. Where a frightening amount of girls and women are raped. Where children are molested, neglected and physically abused. Where teenagers turn to drugs and alcohol because that's what their parents did before them. It is a place with endless battles. A place where hope has been lost.
I had the privilege of joining with a team of 7 from
MAM, volunteering at festival called Wachinyeya, meaning 'Hope' in Lakota (one of the Native Indian tribal languages). For two days we spent time with
teenagers, kids, and some older members of the community; chatting, playing, swimming in rivers and endless piggy-backs while bands from across the USA played music and shared their stories. It seems simple but there is a lot of power in being open and simply spending time with people. It all happened to communicate a simple message to the people living in this bleak environment - they are loved and valued by God just as they are, despite whatever mistakes they have made or any hopelessness, struggles and sadness they might be going through. And not just that but because of his love and by his Spirit they are empowered to seek a different path, one that gives their lives purpose.
Wachinyeya. Hope. That’s exactly what Fort Yates needs more of; because right now there are so many hopeless situations and those young people have so little to live for. Hope comes alive in the person of Jesus Christ - even in the most desperate situations he transforms lives. He takes people on a journey from being ordinary to becoming extraordinary. Despite negative life circumstances and everything we have to battle against, Jesus empowers us by His Spirit so that we know the fullness of who we are created to be.
Tony Stark was made to be ‘IronMan’. Steve Rogers was made to be ‘Captain America’. Bruce Banner was made to be ‘The Hulk’. But if IronMan tried to be The Hulk, or The Hulk tried to be Captain America, they wouldn’t be embracing the fullness of their identities. Those superheroes have inherent value just the way they are and when they accept that - it's then they become the heroes that are so desperately needed. Jesus created you and I with inherent value, and when we recognize that we are loved and valuable – we step into the fullness of all we were created to be and we are empowered us to live a life full of purpose.
And Jesus is bringing transformation to the reservation - Lance, Line, their family and some other amazing people are living their lives right there in the reservation - in the midst of the struggles and darkness - letting their lamps shine out, bringing Jesus' hope.
My prayer for us all, but particularly for those I met at Wachinyeya, is that we’d all be transforming into the fullness of life we’ve been made for through Jesus. My favorite verse in the bible is John 10:10
A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy; but [Jesus] came so [you] can have real and eternal life, more and better life than [you] ever dreamed (MSG).
I love this verse because it tells the story of transformation that Jesus takes us on. Although life has been stolen, joy killed, and peace destroyed; through Jesus we have hope and can know the fullness of life we were created for.
It was depressing to see such bleakness and desperation in a country of extraordinary wealth and opportunity but Jesus is there. Through a handful of dedicated people he is bringing his love, light and hope and little by little, lives are being transformed.
Alex Perkin
Alex is from the UK and is a student studying global ‘Development Studies & Geography' at SOAS university in London. After working for a youth organization (Soul Survivor UK) for 3 years, he wanted to engage more with God's heart for justice and social action so is pursuing a career in development. He loves time with family, friends and cooking stir-fries!